Friday 5 December 2014

Five things

Hello Darlings :)
Happy December!!
Today I had a very busy day, decorating my office and then decorating my home. I just love Christmas, its one of the best times of year. Family time, food, and gifts, and time off work. What could be better??
The first Christmas tree below is the one at work, and the second one is from the one at home.

I thought this blog post would be a couple things at made me happy this week.
1. I booked my plane tickets to go see my mom on Dec 12 in Edmonton. Coming from a small town, it is really great to go to the big city, and get to go shopping, see all the lights. And of course visit with the rest of my family.
2. Although being short staffed at work this week was a little difficult it was defiantly great at the same time because the week flew by because we were so busy.
3. Blitz has been doing really great lately. It seems since she turned 2 in Oct she has been starting to settle down, and listen a little bit better.
4. We went and saw Mockingjay last Friday and I must say....IT WAS AMAZINNNGG!! We also went and saw Horrible Bosses 2, we laughed the entire movie, I thought it was amazing, and seriously Jennifer Aniston has not changed a bit since her "friends" days, still sexy as ever lol
5. Finally, of course, decorating for Christmas, it just makes you feel amazing, puts you in the mood, and just makes the house look so festive and homey.

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